Susan Allan

Life Coach


Certified Mediator


Whole Brain™ Facilitator


Susan Allan

Susan Allan

Tel: 818-314-1200

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Your tax deductible contributions support The Marriage Forum, Inc. & our work with individuals, couples, families, and organizations. Thank you for your continuing support as we serve those in the greatest need for peace and the cooperation and safety that comes from mastering The Heartspace© System. We have been offering a free 1 hour telephone session to everyone who requests it since 1999 and we continue to do so.

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The Marriage and Peace Forum Newsletter is read by over 4,500 subscribers every month. Each issue contains a wealth of information on how to create and maintain the peaceful, loving relationships you desire.

Subscribe now and download a copy of Susan's eBook The Marry-Go-Round FREE! 3. Learn everything you need to know to transform all your relationships so that may enjoy your birthright of peace, love, health, and prosperity NOW.


A 501 c 3 Nonprofit Corporation

Susan Allan's Heartspace™ &
The 6 Part Conversation© Training

Create Peaceful, Loving, Joyous Relationships in 6 Steps

"Peace won't find us; we must find peace and that is my mission. Joyous connection is possible in all your relationships, even in war-torn marriages and families and corporations the 6 steps of The 6 Part Conversation© are the secret!" - Susan Allan

This offer is risk free! If in the first 30 days you are not satisified with your results, Susan will refund your money!

For the 1st time ever Susan Allan is offering a Complete Video Training so that YOU can learn Heartspace™ & The 6 Part Conversation© online and at your convenience

  1. You can enjoy these trainings for a fraction of the cost of one-on-one private coaching
  2. You can watch this training over and over again to speed your mastery process
  3. You can watch this after you've accomplished your current goals so that your Heartspace™ skills stay sharp 

ITEM 1: During this amazing 4 hour video training Susan Allan teaches you Heartspace™ & The 6 Part Conversation© so that you can generate the peaceful loving cooperation that you long for EVERYWHERE in your life. This training can transform your life with these simple 6 steps! Susan also teaches you Whole-brain thinking that allows you to communicate with everyone, speaking "their" language in addition to your own natural way of communicating.

ITEM 2: Enjoy one 60 minute private telephone Session with Susan Allan so that you fast track your success with the video training.

Learn more at this link!

Please watch our next Live Streaming event here

The Evolution Revolution with Susan Allan 2nd Tuesday each month 8-9 p.m.

The Compassionate Connection Show with Susan Allan 2nd Tuesday each month 8-9 p.m.

Complimentary private 1 hr. telephone session
offering the tools and skills of The Peace ForumSM,
The Marriage Forum, Inc.,
The Divorce ForumSM or The Sales ForumSM

Welcome to Susan Allan's Heartspace System™

Susan Allan's Mission is to offer a Healing Matrix of tools, skills, and support so that you may experience the peace, cooperation, financial success, love, health, and joy that are your human birthright. Whether your goals are personal or professional Susan's skills have been tried and tested with thousands of clients during one-on-one coaching. Millions have also experienced her group trainings, via television, radio, or in workshops and read the numerous books, articles, and blogs describing the benefits of skills that allow us to think, listen, speak, and act in the most successful way to generate the results we desire. Are you dealing with situations that you have tolerated and tried to change for a long time? With new tools and skills these challenges transform and disappear. Susan Allan has committed her life to creating world peace, one individual, one family, and one corporation at a time and now you can receive a complimentary one hour telephone coaching session to discover if these skills are for you.

For a complimentary one hour telephone coaching session to see if these skills would be useful for you please contact:

Susan Allan's Heartspace System™ Checklist

Goal-reaching Skills© - don’t set goals; reach them

  • Learn the basic language of creating and reaching a Goal, using Goal-reaching©
  • Write your own Goals with careful utilization of best language
  • Maintain emotional consistency with Self-empathy or The 4 Questions
  • Stick with your Goals regularly until fruition
  • Reach Goals that you have set within the timing you set

The 6 Part Conversation© - move from upset to viable co-created solutions

  • Memorizing the 6 Parts
  • Understanding how to motivate and inspire someone to engage in The 6 Part
  • Mastering Self-empathy
  • Mastering Empathy
  • Mastering Self-expression
  • Mastering Reflection
  • Mastering Clarification
  • Mastering Solution

Career Climb© - do you need or want a first career, a new career or a post-divorce career?  

  • Master and use Goal-reaching©
  • Master and use Whole-brain Thinking™ “who” is  listening to you?
  • Master and use The 6 Part Conversation© are you connecting to the listener’s needs?  
  • Transform self-respect to radically increase income
  • Master Rapport, Qualifying Customers, Presentation, Close for a bigger Bottom Line

Life Olympics©- everything your parents wanted you to learn  

  • Discover your Life Goals
  • Quantify your priorities
  • Understand the team you need
  • Find, motivate and inspire support
  • Co-create solutions

Prodating© - learn the successful skills you need in dating just as you learned to have success in your  career

  • Set your Goals using Goal-reaching Skills©
  • Examine and interpret online profiles using Herrmann Brain Dominance™ and the Needs List
  • Create your own profile using Needs List and speaking your own HBDI® “ languages” as well as those “languages”  of your preferred dates/partner
  • Send and receive emails with  preferred successful  outcomes
  • Meet your preferred dates/partner
  • Successfully generate the relationship of your dreams
  • Be engaged, living together, married, and/or parenting as per your Goals

Marital Mediation©- since you can have the mediator move in with you; learn to mediate your own conflicts

  • Resolve all partner conflicts using unique mediation skills
  • Use a Healing Matrix of thinking, listening, speaking, & action providing 100% reconciliation when just 1 partner is trained
  • Learn The 6 Part Conversation© Motivating and Inspiring cooperation
  • Use hidden earphones and Cyrano System©  with evolved scripts 
  • Hit each of the Plateaus of Peace©
  • Observe 4 ½ Minutes to Peace© promoting consistent focus and end results 
  • Be fluent in Whole-brain Thinking™  speaking all 4 “human languages”

Whole Brain Thinkingbased on Herrmann Brain Dominance™ - taught at The Wharton School and in most Fortune™ companies

  • Understanding the 4 quadrants of human thinking
  • Memorizing attributes of each quadrant
  • Understanding the reaction to triggers for each quadrant
  • Recognizing each quadrant in your own thinking and speaking/writing of others
  • Mastering the 4 languages of Whole Brain® Thinking in calm conversation and writing
  • Mastering the 4 languages of Whole Brain® Thinking during real-life triggers
  • Integrating left and right brain function, transforming every situation 
  • Discontinuing the search for what you want where you cannot possibly find it
  • Benefit as 90% of America’s Fortune™ 500 companies do
  • Determine the thinking style of everyone you know and transform each communication into a positive one
  • Learn practical and proven skills to erase hopelessness from your life

Corporate Team-building

  • Whole-brain hiring, training, and team strategies
  • Goal-reaching Quantum Sales & Teambuilding
  • Advanced Customer Sales
  • Strategic diversification
  • Accounts receivable ultra result options

More information about Susan Allan

  • Certified Mediator Los Angeles County Bar Association
  • America's leading Marriage and Divorce Coach
  • The Peace Forum, Inc.
  • The Marriage Forum, Inc.
  • The Heartspace System© Nonviolent Communication SM,; Herrmann Brain Dominance™
  • Ask The Love and Relationship Coach in Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine since 2005
  • Ask The Divorce Coach© at 
  • Author of EBooks:
    • DIVORCE: THE MARRY-GO-ROUND or How to Save Your Money, Your Sanity and Your Life.
Follow me on:      
Heartspace® Solutions The Sales Forum© Heartspace System™
YouTube Channel
Susan Allan's
Twitter Page


"Susan eliminates barriers, traveling the way of spirit and heart. She allows people to enter that area, and say 'Yes' instead of 'No. Susan Allan is the wings people glide on as she brings them through these difficult times seeing through the clear eye of the eagle. She respects their path and their history so that they go forward without their burdens."

Charles R. Quintero, Peacemaker to the Navajo Nations,
California certified mediator and arbitrator

"Susan Allan is the consummate professional. She is a trusted friend and I am proud to recommend her and blessed to have found her for myself. They say: 'When the student is ready, the Master will appear'. She is a highly skilled coach…a Master. If you can take the heat of examining your life, Susan can coach you to the success you are looking for."

David Drake, Florida

"Susan Allan, with her creative approach and use of Nonviolent Communication has been a great addition to the Los Angeles County Jail program( M.E.R.I.T.)The M.E.R.I.T. Program is comprised of domestic violence offenders, including other family crimes or other crimes involving violence. Susan has added her unique model of communication by helping these inmates with an open mind, not judging their past, only steering toward a much clearer understanding of Man and Woman. We are privileged to have Ms. Allan share her wealth of knowledge. It's because of people like Susan that we are able to continue the work of rehabilitation of men and return them back to society as productive members i.e.: Fathers, Husbands, Leaders."

From Dave Bates, Deputy, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

"In the late summer of 2004 my son was living as a homeless person on the streets of San Francisco.  I had just become friends with Susan Allan and she found this to be a unacceptable situation.  She encouraged me to begin thinking in a positive manner that would have my son coming home to live with me and addressing what I feared was a serious drug problem. I visited my son around Labor Day and convinced him to return to Santa Barbara to live with me.  Once home I discovered he was addicted to crystal meth.  I was determined to do anything and everything to help him.  I began being coached by Susan to learn a new way of communicating, of listening and speaking. I understood what it was like to live with an addict.  I watched him get into trouble with the law and became his attorney.  I watched as everyone, virtually everyone around us gave up on him.  Whether it was "tough love" or "letting him hit bottom" or "jail was the only way to save him" only Susan believed in me and supported me in finding another way. I practiced self empathy.  I gave my son empathy, listened to him, didn't judge; didn't give advice, didn't insert myself into the problem and make it about me.  It was not easy. I was able to support him in finding a 30 day dual diagnosis residential rehab program in Santa Barbara and convince the court to sanction it as part of his diversion/probation.  I was able to help find a 6 to 12 month residential program in Arizona where my son could continue his recovery with the approval and supervision of the court.  He started in early January 2005. On October my son will celebrate 10 months of sobriety.  He has graduated from rehab and is living in a house with two other graduates.  He works full time and attends 4 after care sessions a week at the rehab facility.  There is light in his eyes. I know that these results would not have been possible without the countless hours of coaching with Susan Allan.  She saved my son's life.  The skills I have learned and am learning has changed my life.  I use the tools in my work, my family life, my social life, in my very thought process countless time a day.  She is a miracle worker.",

Arno Jaffe, Esq. Santa Barbara, CA

Susan Allan has been a columnist for Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine for 5 years. Instead of being knocked down by her own divorce she found a way to use what she learned to assist others who were going through difficult challenges in their relationships. She teaches clients how to use integrity when unresolved difficulties threaten a marriage so the resolution is peaceful and respectful. She is a woman with an amazing talent for understanding and empathizing with people from all walks of life. Susan shows great compassion in her work and shares her gifts and talents generously with those whose lives she touches. She has dedicated her life to making a difference. I am thrilled that she is continuing to share her wisdom and personal journey with the rest of us."

Nansie Chapman Publisher/Editor Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine

For a file of our  extensive testimonials please email