
Susan Allan’s Special Offer

Heartspace™ & The 6 Part Conversation©

Create Peaceful, Loving, Joyous Relationships in 6 Steps

Susan Allan Heartspace

  • Live in your Heartspace™ at all times
  • Raise your vibrational state to live in peace with everyone!
  • Dream BIG and have your BIG dreams come true!
  • Attract your heart's desire with Inner Peace
  • Co-create your magical life with loved ones
  • Manifest your Lightworker Mission
  • Shift from an emotional rollercoaster to Peace

The 1st time ever Susan Allan is offering a Video Training so that YOU can learn Heartspace™ & The 6 Part Conversation©

ITEM 1: Susan Allan's 4 Hour Heartspace™ & 6 Part Conversation© Video training

  • Do you long for more PEACE?
  • Do you long for more LOVE?
  • Do you long for more SUCCESS?
  • Do you long to make a BIGGER DIFFERENCE?

Watch your ideal future manifest before your eyes!

Accomplish what you never thought you could!

During this amazing 4 hour video training Susan Allan teaches you The 6 Part Conversation© so that you can generate the peaceful loving cooperation that you long for EVERYWHERE in your life. This training can transform your life before, during, and after the holidays with these simple 6 steps!

With this program You will learn:

  • The 1st step is to calm YOURSELF, the key to motivating and inspiring others.
  • The 2nd step is to calm THEM, no matter what the tension or problem
  • The 3rd step is to speak your TRUTH and know that they will hear you
  • The 4th step is to be sure you've been HEARD
  • The 5th step is to CLARIFY all that you've said and that wasn't heard
  • The 6th step is SOLUTION!

Haven't you always longed for a fast and easy system to create SOLUTIONS?

Susan Allan's extraordinary Video Training lets you master the 6 Part Conversation© for life-long cooperation!

The 6 easy steps of The 6 Part Conversation© are the key to Joy

Susan Allan is a renowned teacher and life coach, offering Heartspace™ peace-making skills worldwide after a lifetime of study at the feet of many of the world's great thought leaders and spiritual masters which included 57 trips to India. She discovered Heartspace™ skills through many extreme life challenges that she transformed using gifts she received during her meditations and dreams. Susan says, "Peace won't find us; we must find peace and that is my mission". Joyous connection is possible in all your relationships, even in war-torn marriages and families and the 6 steps of The 6 Part Conversation© are the secret!

Can you imagine how your life can be transformed by learning these 6 steps to peace before the holidays and using them during the holidays and for the rest of your life?

Item #1 Value $1200.00

Have you spent decades having others clear you and "clean up your act" only to find that in a few days the activations are over and the results are gone? What part can we play in creating and maintaining the joyous life that is our human birthright? Susan Allan's 6 Part Conversation© training will allow you to learn how to retain your highest state and move beyond the fear, anger and sadness which is an old pattern for so many of us. Dreams are not about compromise, they are the 1st step to your manifesting; do you want help to practice your manifesting muscle?

ITEM 2: A 60 Minute Private Telephone Session
with Susan Allan

During your private telephone session with Susan you will:

1. Integrate what you learn in the Video Training
2. Activate your new Heartspace TM skills
3. Experience a deep sense of peace
4. Break through old patterns of thinking
5. Resolve and solve issues
6. Transform challenges that block success
7. Discover how expert support creates fast results

Please prepare for your session with a list of questions about resolving any current challenges and reaching your key goals. Feel free to make a recording of the session! When Susan listens she listens to you with her heart and her Whole-brain so that situations you have endured become understandable and so organic and remarkable solutions are found. Susan will also help you craft unique conversations for you to have with those you love so that you create cooperation and intimacy.

Item # 2 Value $200.00



More About Susan and the Heartspace™ System

Susan Allan Heartspace

Did you realize that only one person needs special skills to create peace, love, joy, intimacy and cooperation in any relationship? Susan Allan's reconciliation system, How to Avoid Divorce© has been 100% successful when even one partner masters and uses these skills. Allan's most-loved Heartspace™ trainings include The 6 Part Conversation© andThe Plateaus of Peace© are all covered on this extraordinary video training. She will also cover Whole-brain Thinking© an advanced system used to activate your ability to use your whole brain to identify and solve problems as well as to avoid them.

When you learn to self-generate peace that is the first step to motivating and inspiring others to meet you in love, partnership, cooperation and bliss!

Millions have received training through Susan Allan's websites. Susan's Ask The Divorce Coach© column appears at Parent to Parent and for the last 9 years her Ask The Love and Relationship Coach column has appeared at Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine. Allan's most loved trainings include The 6 Part Conversation©; The 7 Stages of Life©; The Plateaus of Peace©; Goal-reaching© Skills; and she is the author of 3 EBooks.

Susan Allan is the Executive Producer and on-air host of Evolution Revolution TV a series that presents breakthroughs in the human potential movement she has been a bimonthly guest on Compassionate Connection TV for 8 years. She has appeared as a guest expert on hundreds of television and radio news programs including Fox News, The Montel Williams Show and the News in CT and NJ.

What Others Are Saying:

The world became a much brighter place the day Susan Allan arrived. Her light is the light that cuts through illusion. Thank you, Susan, for shining through the darkness with earned wisdom and loving compassion.     - Rachel Gately, Santa Barbara, CA

Susan Allan's compassionate training saved my son's life and changed my life as a mother. I have stopped crying, stopped living in fear, and stopped draining my checkbook on crisis rescues. I am at peace. I recommend these techniques to anyone who needs change, or any family member trying to help 'a person in crisis. It worked for me, and I know it will help others. Thank you Susan! Thank you God! Hugs!     - From Sharon Rose, Goleta, CA

When I was 33 years old, I started on the road to self-discovery and had teachers like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer; I have not encountered a better stronger more dedicated, peaceful teacher in my entire life. The beauty of what Susan does is she only needs one person to do it. With training for only one person I have seen relationships turn around! I guess everything comes down to relationships, whether you're having a problem with a spouse, with a child, with yourself     - Richard J. Dolwig, Jr. Family Law Judge pro-tem (Ret.), Cert. Family Law Specialist (Ret.) Attorney; Mediator and Arbitrator

I am a working actress and singer and was continually feeling that I could not make the progress I needed to have my dream career. Since Susan's tools and skills my career and my general feeling of well-being have completely transformed. I am making more money as an actress than I ever have before. I have been doing the best work of my life and feeling more confident than ever because I am learning how to motivate and inspire people to give me what I want. I walk in the room with clear goals and intention, I feel confident in the way I look and in what I bring to the table. I am working harder than I ever have and am having so much fun doing it because I am seeing big results on a daily basis. I no longer feel I have suffer with my own self-doubt. I now have the tools I need to create the life and career I always imagined!!      - Lisa Cirincione, Los Angeles CA

Susan eliminates barriers, traveling the way of spirit and heart. She allows people to enter that area, and say 'Yes' instead of "No". Susan Allan is the wings people glide on as she brings them through these difficult times seeing through the clear eye of the eagle. She respects their path and their history so that they go forward without their burdens.     - Charles R. Quintero, Peacemaker to the Navajo Nations, California certified mediator and arbitrator

Susan was a big help in getting me to focus on what I really wanted.     - Jim Aldinger, former Mayor of Manhattan Beach, CA and Chief of Staff at Boeing Aircraft

Hi Susan...So... I got MARRIED!!! :) :) he has been unbelievably amazing and loving.  I ADORE him!  He communicates with me in a peaceful/loving way (perfect for me), and he's such a happy man with a good heart!  He's really great!  PLUS, he's TOTALLY gorgeous! :) Thank you for helping prepare me for a man who can love me so much!! I'm able to accept his love in large part because of the work that we did together.  Thank you again for helping me become a higher functioning person!!! :) :) :) Lots of love     - Susan Narum. Mesa, Arizona

The skills I have learned and am learning from Susan Allan have changed my life.  I use the tools in my work, my family life, my social life, in my very thought process countless time a day.  She is a miracle worker.     - Arno Jaffe, Esq. Santa Barbara, CA

Within minutes, Susan Allan figured out why I wasn't getting the results I desired because of my thinking.  She showed me where I needed to put my focus in order to get the results I wanted. Within 24 hours, I had an excellent resume and a job interview lined up.  I would highly recommend Susan.  I loved her innate ability to cut to the core of the issues I was having so quickly and gently guide me into the direction I needed to be.  I'm sure she has saved me years of struggle.  I am very grateful for her help.     - Kathy Rex, New Albany, OH

Susan Allan is the consummate professional and I am proud to recommend her and blessed to have found her for myself. They say: 'When the student is ready, the Master will appear'; she is a highly skilled coach…a Master. If you can take the heat of examining your life, Susan can coach you to the success you are looking for.      - David Drake, Melbourne, FL