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Important Video About Your Upcoming Strategy Session, Please Watch:



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“Thank you, Susan, for my beautiful marriage and the peace and love we NOW FEEL every day thanks to Heartspace and you! Love, Samantha”
Samantha Giraud and her husband, Versailles, France


“Thank you, Susan, for the miraculous way I now communicate and live. Heartspace has improved my marriage and my entire life! Love you, Susan!”
Linea Harvey Seibert, New Canaan, CT

Lisa Cirincione

“Thank you for my wonderful marriage and my incredible child! Thank you for your tenacity, empathy guidance, and love! I must express my deep, deep gratitude. I don’t have to suffer anymore. I cherish you, Susan! I love you”
Lisa C Los Angeles, CA


“We love you, Susan and our whole family is so grateful to you for all the healing and peace and love!” Love
Mary and Kerry M, Santa Barbara, CA 


“Susan Allan revitalized my relationship with my entire family and she taught me to do it in a fully present and peaceful way
Julie Samuels-Metheany MFT Solvang, CA


“Susan definitely has the knowledge and skills to bring forth the love people deserve in their lives.
Rebecca Setareh, Los Angeles, CA


“Thank you, Susan; for me and my entire family! Love,"
Ayn Cates Sullivan


“Thank you, Susan, it’s wonderful now!"
Debra NYC


“Susan, I find myself whistling, humming tunes, and generally happier and more optimistic! I can't believe what is happening! You're a Magician- you are wonderful! What you are helping me with is working wonders! Thank you!”
 Jack D., Agoura Hills, CA


“I got more out of these sessions with you about saving my marriage than I have from years with my therapist. I found myself with a broken marriage, no career, and at a dead end with a cliff in front of me. I miraculously found YOU, Susan, who has so changed my life. I understand why your success rate is 100% if JUST ONE MEMBER OF THE COUPLE IS WILLING TO learn. Was I skeptical? Understatement. Susan, you have given me back all my power and put me on a path towards getting everything that I have ever wanted. Susan Allan is so amazing. Her energy is life-changing.”
J B, Studio City, California


“Susan is the most dedicated, peaceful teacher I have ever found and the beauty of what Susan does is she only needs one person to do it. With one person I have seen her turn around relationships; I’m always overwhelmed how she dedicates herself and how relentlessly she seeks a solution!”
Richard J. Dolwig, Jr. Heartspace client and Family Law Judge pro-tem, Santa Barbara, CA


“Everything is wonderful! We're making this ‘the year of our marriage! We're both feeling very much in love with each other! Thank you!”
LBK, Pacific Palisades, CA


“When I spoke to you the first time, it was better for me than a year of counseling. I can’t tell you how helpful this session has been. This validates things I’ve been thinking about and feeling.”


“Susan, thank you again. Everything has fallen into place. Our relationship has never been stronger or more loving. We work at it and will continue to work at it. In new photos my smile is genuine!.”
Jim R., Salt Lake City, Utah


“I have gained this deep compassion for my husband, N, who seems so lost, lonely, and sad. Before, I just saw everything only from my point of view Thanks again"
Julie E., Westlake, CA


“Now I can feel compassion instead of feeling appalled."
LC, Pasadena, CA


“This is the best thing have been since we were both first married; thanks again for everything."
JA, Los Angeles, CA


“My husband and I are back together... deeply, happily, and peacefully. Full of growth, learning, commitment in a way I never understood before, happiness, and great celebration of one another. Thank you. Much, much gratitude and love to you Susan... Thank you again, dear, wise woman. Love”
Rachel C,, Moscow, ID


“At the time I first called Susan, my husband was having an affair. I was devastated and determined to save our marriage of 20 years and our family. Her coaching changed everything. I learned strategies that assisted me in handling extremely challenging daily situations with my husband. We never separated and the affair fizzled out. Susan's understanding of human interactions is profound and remarkable. The combination of her and her search for peace and open communication with all people is effective. I choose to remain anonymous to protect the privacy of my family."
Anonymous, Southern California